Some of you may start to notice at the top of the Facebook app a feature strikingly similar to Snapchat Stories. Facebook has recently started introducing select users to Facebook Stories. Much like Snapchat and Instagram stories users can take a photo and share it with their friends knowing it will disappear in 24 hours. Similar to Snapchat, Facebook is experimenting with having users use special effects in their stories such as masks and frames. In addition, users have the option to share it directly with specific friends or post the story onto users Timelines and News Feeds.
Facebook has started to test the feature after seeing a high demand amongst users wanting to share temporary photos on a far more frequent basis. In addition, many users felt that Facebook status updater was focused more on sharing text updates as opposed to photos and videos. Ultimately while Facebook Stories are currently being tried in a few select countries the company hopes to expand it to all users very soon.
What do you think about this? Do you think Facebook stories will be more popular than Snapchat and Instagram stories?
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